- Bührs, M.; Zepp, H.; Schmitt, T. (2024): Evaluating urban biodiversity: Effectiveness of citizen science driven species distribution models in urban ecosystems: A case study in the Ruhr Metropolis, Germany. - ERDKUNDE: 195-224.
- Dong, N.; Wang, Y.; Zepp, H.; Bührs, M.; Gruenhagen, L.; Busch, C.; Wei, W. (2024): Model to Application: A Study on a Decision Support Tool for Rural Ecological Restoration Planning Based on Ecosystem Services Trade-offs. In: Landscape Architecture Academic Journal , Bd. 41, S. 4-12.
- Zepp, H.; Gessner, M.; Gruenhagen, L.; Bührs, M. (2023): Modeling the cooling effect of urban green spaces: The neglected control variables of 'soil moisture' and 'biotope types'. - Urban Forestry & Urban Greening 90, 128137.
- Bührs, M.; Schmitt, T. (2023): The Power of Many: Utilizing Citizen Science Data in Species Distribution Models to Forecast Urban Avian Biodiversity in the Metropolis Ruhr. Germany, EGU General Assembly , Vienna, Austria, 24–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-14359,
- Bochumer Botanischer Verein e.V.
- Nordrhein-Westfälische Ornithologengesellschaft e.V.
- Deutsche Ornithologen-Gesellschaft e.V.
- European Ornithologists‘ Union
- GIS applications in landscape ecology
- Terrain Days Physical Geography
- Measuring & Modeling I: Vegetation
- Measuring & Modeling II: Vegetation Science
- Ecosystem analysis
- IMECOGIP – Implementation of the ecosystem services concept in green infrastructure planning to strengthen the resilience of the Ruhr metropolis and Chinese megacities [Link to project]
- Topic of the current dissertation: “Potential of a combined Remote Sensing Citizen Science Data approach for the Prediction of Biodiversity with the Ruhr Region”
- Master's thesis: “Bird diversity in the context of vegetation and microclimatic conditions on selected Ruhr slag heaps”
- Bachelor thesis: “Urban parks as bird hotspots - park structures and their effect on breeding birds”
Bührs, M. (2016): Urban parks as hotspots for birds – park structure and its effect on breeding birds. 1st Joint Meeting of Young Ornithologists of EOU; 4. DO-G Nachwuchstreffen, 04. November 2016 in Wien [PDF]
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