Prof. Dr. Ines Mulder: New Professor of Soil Science and Soil Resources

The first moving boxes have been in the new IA E5/95 office since mid-March. Photo: Tobias Quaas
The first moving boxes have been in the new IA E5/95 office since mid-March. Photo: Tobias Quaas

From April, Ines Mulder will represent soil sciences at the Institute of Geography in the Chair of Soil Science and Soil Resources. The scientific management of the physical geography laboratory is also part of her duties. She will begin teaching at the Institute of Geography in the summer semester with the modules "Introduction to Scientific Work" in the Bachelor's degree course and "Measurement and Modeling" in the Master's degree course.

After her undergraduate studies in geosciences at the University of Hanover, stays abroad in France and the USA and an M. Sc. in soil science at Texas A&M University, she worked for a year in development cooperation in Phnom Penh, Cambodia. Since completing her PhD in organic environmental geochemistry at the University of Heidelberg in 2015, she has worked as a research assistant and lecturer at the Institute of Soil Science and Soil Conservation at Justus Liebig University Giessen.

As a soil scientist specializing in the fields of soil chemistry and soil mineralogy, her research focuses on (1) the fate and effects of the disinfectant QAACs in the (soil) environment, especially in the context of wastewater treatment and (nutrient) cycling risks, (2) the effects of organic dairy farming systems on carbon and nitrogen cycling, and (3) sorption thermodynamics as a control factor for microbial substrate use efficiency.

She is currently working on three DFG projects, including in the PARES research group (FOR 5095) and the SoilSystems priority program. In the Hessian LOEWE joint project "GreenDairy", she represented the environmental project area as spokesperson until she left Giessen. She is currently Chair of Commission VII Soil Mineralogy of the German Soil Science Society and guest editor of a special volume in the Journal of Plant Nutrition and Soil Science on the characterization, reactivity and quantification of soil minerals.

With a focus on interactions between anthropogenic activities and soil functions and processes, she would like to contribute to the Institute of Geography's focus on the transformation of metropolitan regions in the future. Central research topics of the Chair of Soil Science and Soil Resources are

  • Soils as regulators in nutrient and carbon cycles
  • Mineral-organic interactions and transformations in soils
  • Filtering and buffering capacity of pollutants in soils

She would like to contribute to an understanding of soils as part of (urban) ecosystems and as the basis of a (sustainable) society and is looking forward to working with her new colleagues and students at the Institute of Geography.

03. April 2024
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Astrid Seckelmann

Soil science, GI-News, Studinews